Social Selling
Samuel Darwin
Posted in: Marketing

How to Use Social Selling to Boost Outbound Sales

In the digital age, social media has become a necessity for companies that want to engage their target market and eventually increase sales. Social selling is a powerful technique for boosting outbound sales.

1. Choosing the Right Platforms

When it comes to social selling for B2B outbound sales, it’s essential to focus your efforts on the platforms where your target audience is most active. Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are considered the main and most formidable B2B social selling platforms. Moreover, each of these platforms has unique ways through which one can engage.

  • LinkedIn’s Social Selling Potential: This is a rich source of prospects for B2B social selling efforts because it has over 810 million users worldwide that consist of decision-makers, influencers and potential buyers within your industry who can make use of this with their own companies.
  • Twitter: Not often associated with social selling, Twitter is an effective platform in terms of sharing industry ideas and thoughts from influencers and building up brand recognition.
  • Facebook: Though known for its consumer-centric nature, Facebook offers valuable possibilities for businesses involved in B2B especially targeting smaller firms or medium-sized enterprises.

The effectiveness of your social selling strategy will be determined by how well you align it with the dynamics and behaviors exhibited by different audiences on each platform. On LinkedIn develop and share thought leadership content while on Twitter participate in industry discussions using relevant hashtags as an example.

2. Building a Strong Social Profile

Your social selling efforts’ foundation is on the profiles you have on your social media. Make sure that your profiles are well-optimized to reflect your expertise, credibility and professional brand. To increase visibility and discoverability, use appropriate industry and role-related keywords.

3. Types of Content to Share

Content is the fuel that drives social selling success. Share a mix of industry insights, educational content, and thought leadership articles that resonate with your target audience. Avoid overly promotional posts, as they can turn off potential buyers. Instead, focus on providing value and positioning yourself as a trusted advisor in your industry.

4. Consistency and Engagement

Consistency matters in social selling. Be consistent in posting to stay at the top of your mind in the online world. Engage with your followers through comments, likes or shares to form strong relationships and a sense of community.

5. Identifying and Connecting with Prospects

Through social media platforms, one can spot various prospects within his or her market niche among other things. Use tools such as LinkedIn Sales Navigator or Twitter’s advanced search options that help to find relevant individuals or companies.

6. Starting Meaningful Conversations

Once a connection has been made, start meaningful conversations by commenting on your prospects’ posts and giving relevant insights. Use queries and debates to involve the same in understanding their pain points, obstacles, and objectives.

Through genuine talks which start by adding value early on, you will be better placed to nurture leads; eventually converting them into customers.

7. Social Selling Tools

To streamline your social selling process, think of using applications such as LinkedIn Sales Navigator or Hootsuite or Buffer. These tools can enable you to perform different tasks automatically including scheduling posts or tracking responses as well as other interactions related to sales exercise without losing any sense of personal touch.

8. Measuring Success with Social Selling Index (SSI)

Check out your Social Selling Index (SSI) score regularly to measure the success of social sales activities. This is a parameter provided by platforms like LinkedIn that assesses how well you have performed in terms of developing a professional brand, finding the right people, engaging with insights and creating relationships.

Always examine what actions increase both SSI scores and overall sales productivity while adapting your plans accordingly.

Continuously analyze which activities boost your SSI score and overall sales performance, and make adjustments to your strategy accordingly.

9. Combining Cold Outreach with Social Engagement

Social selling should not be viewed as a standalone strategy but rather as a complement to your traditional outbound techniques. Warm-up leads through social interactions before making cold calls or sending emails. Use the insights gained from social media to tailor and personalize your outreach efforts, increasing the likelihood of engaging prospects and driving conversions.

10. Aligning Sales and Marketing Efforts

Effective social selling requires collaboration between sales and marketing teams. Ensure that your teams are aligned in creating cohesive social selling strategies. Share relevant content and insights from marketing with your sales reps, empowering them to leverage these resources in their outreach efforts.


1. How can I effectively measure the ROI of social selling efforts?

Some important metrics to consider are engagement rates, lead generation, conversion rates, and overall sales growth. You can use LinkedIn SSI to gauge the influence of your activities in social selling. Also, you might want to set up a closed-loop reporting system that directly relates your revenue to your efforts towards social selling.

2. What are some common mistakes made while doing social selling?

Avoid being too promotional when doing this. Make sure your content has value and not only focused on immediate sales but also has a genuine interaction leading to relationship building. Additionally, don’t spam or send unsolicited messages as this may tarnish your professional image.

3. How can I make my sales team embrace social selling?

Train the team fully on what it means and how to do it right through the social media platform for sales purposes. Alternatively, show them success stories and how these could be used together with traditional outbound methods to improve overall results. Moreover, each member should share his/her successes/niches in social selling with other members thereby creating a culture of continuous improvement in the company’s operations.

4. How much time should I dedicate to social selling?

The time commitment for social selling can vary based on your industry, target audience, and overall sales strategy. As a general guideline, aim to spend at least 15-20% of your workweek on social selling activities, such as creating and sharing content, engaging with prospects, and monitoring relevant conversations.

Social Selling vs. Traditional Outbound Sales

To highlight the differences and complementary nature of social selling and traditional outbound sales, consider the following comparison table:

Aspect Social Selling Traditional Outbound Sales
Approach Relationship-building, value-driven Transactional, sales-driven
Primary Channels Social media platforms Cold calling, email campaigns
Lead Generation Warm leads through engagement Cold leads through outreach
Personalization Insights from Social Profiles Limited background information
Sales Cycle Longer, focused on nurturing Shorter, focused on closing
Measurement Social Selling Index, engagement metrics Conversion rates, sales revenue


While traditional outbound sales focus on cold outreach and closing deals quickly, social selling emphasizes building relationships, providing value, and nurturing leads over a longer sales cycle. By combining the strengths of both approaches, businesses can create a well-rounded sales strategy that resonates with today’s buyers.

Closing Thoughts

Social media enhances your outbound sales, which cannot be underestimated as far as social selling is concerned. By selecting appropriate platforms, creating an influential online presence, producing and distributing useful content, initiating meaningful conversations with the prospects and using tools or metrics in social selling, you can effectively supplement your traditional outbound methods to enhance your achievements in this regard.

However, one important thing about social selling is that it’s a long-term approach which requires consistency, patience and genuine concern towards providing value to your audience. By aligning your marketing and sales teams and smoothly incorporating social selling into your overall sales process; you can make your business a trusted advisor who closes more deals.


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